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The Industrial Revolution was a global phenomenon marked  by the transition to new manufacturing processes in the  period from about 1760 to 1840. The Industrial Revolution  began in the United Kingdom, and mechanized textile  production spread from Great Britain to continental Europe  and the United States in the early nineteenth century. During  this Revolution, changes in agriculture, manufacturing,  mining, transportation, and technology profoundly affected  social and economic conditions in the United States. 

Though the United States borrowed significantly from  Europe’s technological advancements during the Industrial  Revolution, several great American inventions emerged at  the turn of the nineteenth century that greatly affected  manufacturing, communications, transportation, and  commercial agriculture. 

In the 1780s, Oliver Evans invented an automated flour mill  that eventually displaced traditional gristmills. Evans’s system  for handling bulk material became widely used in flour mills  and breweries during the nineteenth century and is among  the innovations credited with the development of the  assembly line. 

In 1793, Eli Whitney developed a machine to separate the  seeds of short-fibered cotton from the fibers. The resulting  cotton gin generated huge profits for slave-holding cotton planters in the South. In the early 1830s, Cyrus McCormick’s  horse-drawn mechanical reaper allowed farmers in the West to harvest great quantities of wheat, leading to great crop  surpluses. 

During this period, domestic trade also expanded with the  introduction of canals, improved roads, and railways. In 1807,  Robert Fulton built the first commercial steamboat, which operated between New York City and Albany. With the  proliferation of new canal routes in the 1820s and 1830s,  steamboat technology was crucial to domestic freight  shipments in the United States. 

The communications revolution that began in this period  served to connect communities and transform business. In  1836, Samuel F. B. Morse and Alfred Vail developed the  American version of the electrical telegraph system, which  allowed messages to be transmitted through wires over long  distances via pulses of electric current. Messages were  transcribed using the signaling alphabet known as “Morse  code.”

The profound economic changes sweeping the United States  led to equally important social and cultural transformations.  The formation of distinct classes, especially in the rapidly  industrializing North, was one of the most striking  developments.  

The elite lived and socialized apart from members of the  growing middle class. The middle class valued work,  consumption, and education and dedicated their energies to  maintaining or advancing their social status. Wage workers  formed their own society in industrial cities and mill villages,  though lack of money and long working hours effectively  prevented the working class from consuming the fruits of  their labor, educating their children, or advancing up the  economic ladder. 

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